Day 1
Activity 1 - Hello song
Let's start our week with our class hello song. Encourage your child to listen and sing or sign along.
Activity 2 - My Communication, Language and literacy
Good morning!
- Today we are going to be reading our main class story. Follow the link below that will take you to our main story ‘Outside my Window’. Support your child listening to the story on a phone, iPad or a computer. After you have listened to the story, spend some time going back and looking at all the different things the children in the story can see outside their window.
- Go to a window in your home and support your child looking for things off the scavenger hunt list. The scavenger hunt list should be in your resources pack ‘Day 1’, which you will recieve in teh post. I have also attached it as a document below. When you have spotted a match e.g. something green-i.e. ‘grass’ tick it off the list. If you are struggling to find something on the list then see if you can find it in your home
Activity 3 - My Thinking and problem solving
Today we are going to sing some number songs. For this activity, you will need the communication board so your child can choose which song they want to sing. We will use education city to access the songs (if you can’t access education city please contact your class teacher or get the songs up on YouTube).
When listening to the songs encourage your child to count along, pause the song and see if they know what number is next. Come up with actions to help your child remember the songs.
Activity 3 - My Creativity and play - My Art and Design
Introduction-Pack contents-In your Art/messy play pack that you will recieve in the post, you will find a salt dough recipe, a recipe with symbols, some symbols to describe how the dough feels, two repeating pattern sheets and a colour mixing chart. You will also find some communication choice boards attached. The first board is based on colour to use with pens/crayons/chalks or paints etc. The second is a song choice board and the last is a general toy/choice board. The semi-formal learners have two different types of board in each category. This gives you the chance to use the board you feel is most appropriate for your child and to extend them to use the board with more symbols on it, if they are ready. The reason they are included is we always try to cease on opportunities to use and develop the children’s communication skills, whilst doing work in other subjects. Also, if you feel you are unable to complete some of the activities at home, then please remember how important it is to play with your child, have fun and sing with them. Using a communication board can help develop their choice making at these times. Just encourage your child to touch the symbol showing their choice and give them their choice. If they can do this, touch the ‘I want’ symbol first. The more practice they get the better! See what else they can point to and understand on the board.
In Art sessions, we will give you two options, in case you do not have certain materials at home. Pick an activity and enjoy!
Option 1- Printing.
Suggested materials needed;
Paper, (long thin paper works well),
Something to print with, choose from the list below,
Vegetables or fruit cut in half (i.e. apples, potatoes, carrots),
Building bricks/duplo,
Playdough cutters,
Paint (or food colouring could be used on vegetables and fruit).
Colour communication board (optional-in your pack).
Activity-Dip your printing block (vegetable, brick or whatever you have chosen) into paint and place it onto the paper. Talk about what they see and what colour it is. Use paper that is long and thin to encourage them to work left to right if possible. You can use a communication board to choose which colour you will use next. Do this by moving the paint further away and showing them how to touch the communication board to select the colour they would like. If they can do this, show them how to touch the ‘I want’ symbol first, then the colour symbol. Say the word of the symbol they are touching each time. Without a communication board, you can encourage them to say “I want” then their colour choice. Take some pictures of your activity we would love to see them.
Extension-Can you make a repeated pattern with two colours (i.e. red, yellow, red, yellow etc) or maybe using three colours? (red, yellow, green, red, yellow, green). If you have used different shapes for your printing blocks, can they make a pattern of two shapes (square, circle) or three shapes? (square, circle, triangle).
Option 2-Drawing and communicating colour choices.
Suggested materials needed;
Pens/crayons/pencil crayons or chalks.
Activity-They could draw around their hands or shapes that they can find in their homes (playground cutters, bricks etc). Use the communication board to make colour choices of pens, pencils, crayons or chalks. Without a communication board, you can encourage them to say “I want” and their colour choice.
Extension-With help, draw your face. Look in a mirror if you can. The adult can draw the outline and add in your eyes, nose, mouth etc. Any marks you make are great! Sing ‘Head, shoulders’ to help with this activity.