Doves Class
Summer Fun in Doves Class!
What a fantastic start to the second Summer term! Doves class enjoyed learning about the Queen and her jubilee. Now we are learning about the beach. Perfect in this sunny weather! Just a few snap shots of the fun we are having so far!
Summer 2 At the Beach Topic Web
Welcome back Everyone, I hope that you all had a fantastic half term. For our final half term the topic for Doves Class is 'At the Beach'. Please look at the topic map to help support your child with their learning.
In the Garden Topic photos
In the Garden Topic photos;
Doves Class have been working really hard! We have planted seeds, painted beanstalks and used real beans in our tuff tray. We are enjoying the summer weather and we always have fun!
Well come back everyone!
This half term our topic is; 'In the Garden'. Here is our topic web and useful book ideas.
In the Garden Topic Web;
Doves class learning and having fun!
Doves class have been busy learning about different forms of transport. We have enjoyed different stories and used different mediums to record them. Outside we have had fun retelling the stories, using real objects. Every day we have fun all around our fantastic school. These photos record some of the great moments we have shared.
This half term our topic is Transport.
Some lovely images of the fun that Doves class have been enjoying this half term.
The Train Ride
This half term our topic is Transport, to celebrate world book day we chose the Train Ride story. We are thoroughly enjoying the story and have created a display working together, making characters from the story. We hope you enjoy sharing this story at home.
Doves Class are enjoying learning about Polar Animals. We are having fun all around our school!
Doves Class Spring 1 Topic Map Artic Animals
Week 7
So here we are... The end of a very busy and fun term!
This week, we had our very first trip out on the bus! We went to MESC and did some Christmas crafts, had a story from an elf and then saw Father Christmas!! The children were absolutely brilliant throughout and it was a lovely trip.
Father Christmas also visited the school and delivered presents to all the children! He knew all their names and said 'hello' to each one. the children were so excited!
The children have all bloomed during this term and we have watched them all go from strength to strength in their learning, friendships and confidence. It has been a real joy to see.
It is my last day as Doves Class teacher and I have to say a huge thank you to the amazing children in my class who have taught me so much this term. It has been a real honour to see many of you taking your first steps on your Blackmarston journey.
There is no school quite like Blackmarston. It is just the most magical place and it is so lucky to have such wonderful children at its core. I just know that they will all fly during their time here.
Thank you to all the parents who have supported us this term and have a very Merry Christmas from all the Doves Team.
Autumn 2 Week 7.mp4
Week 6
We had our story 'Father Christmas needs a wee' this week. It is a really fun story and gives lots of opportunities for counting work!
Christmas has dominated Doves Class this week and we have recorded our scene for the nativity. We hope that you enjoy our little stars in the making! They all looked fab in their party wear!
Week 6.mp4
Week 5
We are in the Christmas mood this week!!! We have been working hard decorating the classroom by making trees and wreaths. We brought the outside inside and made a tree by looking at sticks of different sizes!
We have been learning the Christmas story by reading 'Jesus' Christmas party' and practicing for our nativity.
Doves' new teacher Julia came into class to meet the children and do some lovely work with them about colours. The children listened to her story beautifully and then did some amazing colouring.
Autumn 2 Week 5.mp4
Week 4
We had the beautiful story 'mixed' this week which is about colours choosing to see past their differences and come together to make new and amazing colours!
We did lots of colour separation and then colour mixing work. We used a bit of science to look at mixing 2 paint ice cubes in a jar and seeing what happened when we shook them together! We had some really exciting results! We also dyed some rice using the paint ice cubes.
The children have made some amazing artwork this week and we are looking ahead to our Christmas display!
Autumn 2 week 4.mp4
Week 3
Our story this week was 'Monsters love colours' and we made our very own monsters in Forest School using sticky back plastic and leaves.
We also had two exciting events which we; road safety week and Children in Need. The children looked absolutely brilliant in their pjs and we did lots of Pudsey themed activities. We even had a visit from Pudsey himself.
Autumn 2 week 3.mp4
Week 2
Our book this week was 'Brown bear, Brown bear, what can you see?' and we used it as a starter for our colour matching work this week! Doves Class now has a fab display board with lots of different coloured animals on.
We had an animal hunt in the classroom and the children looked for different types of animals in shredded paper and water.
We mixed art and science with our firework painting and mixed bicarbonate of soda with glue and splattering it over the paper before dropping coloured vinegar onto it to create a fizzy firework!
Autumn 2 week 2.mp4
Our first week of the new half term was amazing!!
We did lots of work influenced by Elmer both inside and outside of the classroom.
For science week we explored which fizzy drink reacted the best when a mento is dropped into it. We tested coke, diet coke, lemonade and fanta. Which one do you think had the biggest explosion?
Autumn 2- Week 1.mp4
Welcome back!!
It has been so lovely seeing the children refreshed, recharged and back in Doves class!
Our topic this half term is colours and our classroom is going to be so colourful by the time we finish in December!! We will be looking at primary colours and what happens when we mix them, how different colours make us feel in the sensory rooms and what colours we can see in nature.
Not only that but we use colours in lots of different celebrations around the world.
But first; it is Blackmarston science week. The theme for science week is changes and we are starting with the mentos challenge. Can you really make an explosion with a mint and a fizzy drink? We will let you know!
Kate likes nothing more than to do science experiments so our explorations won't just stop at science week. We will be doing lots of colour based science during this half term!
It is going to be such a fun half term and Doves team just can't wait to get started!
What we will be doing this half term!
Week 7
Our book for this week was 'We're all wonders' and this half term Doves Class have certainly shown that they are all wonders! It has been wonderful to see the children settle into school life, make friends and demonstrate all of the amazing things they can do! We have made such positive foundations for the year ahead.
Thank you for all your support during this first half term as the children get to know us and we get to know them.
But for now; have a lovely half term, enjoy lots of spooky games for Halloween and we will see you for Autumn 2 half term which will be all about Colours!
Happy half term!
Doves week 7.mp4
Week 6
We had an underwater theme to this week which was influenced by our book of the week! We made stone fish, fish windsocks and even turned the light room into a peaceful, underwater world!
Doves week 6.mp4
Week 5
Kate was back this week and we have been focusing on the book 'Only one you' and all of our creative work has been influenced by this wonderful book about being the very best you can be.
We have made fish windsocks, fish stones, fish using natural materials and lots of different mark making!
We ended our week making shortbread. We haven't done life skills yet this year and it was such a fun experience seeing the children stir, roll and measure out to make some delicious biscuits. We hope that you all enjoyed them!
Doves Week 5.mp4
Week 4.
While the teacher is away...
Kate wasn't in the classroom this week and the children had so many fabulous learning experiences! They did so many sensory activities, singing and sound work.
It has been so wonderful to look through the photos and create this video. The children look like they have had so much fun and there are so many fantastic observations of amazing work.
Well done Doves Class!
Doves week 4.mp4
Week 3
This week has been wonderful! We have had our first few days in soft play, sensory rooms and the hall. It has been lovely to see the children exploring new environments.
The pool was closed but it was okay because we turned our courtyard into a pool! The children had so much fun and worked really well together. It is so lovely seeing lots of positive new friendships and interactions!
Doves Week 3.mp4
Week 2
I am so sorry that it has taken me so long to put this week's video up! It would seem that we have taken about a million photos of our Doves in action (not an exaggeration!) and it took me a while to sort through them all. We won't stop taking photos though because the children in Doves class are amazing and do so many wonderful things that we just have to share!
Doves Week 2.mp4
We have had so much fun!
We are so, so, so proud of our little doves and how they have coped being in a brand new class with new friends to make and new adventures to have.
The whole team have loved learning new things about the children in our care!Kate has been adding little extra bits into the daily routine that she didn't expect to be able to do for at least a half term but the children have proved her wrong and taken it all in their stride. It has been absolutely fantastic!
We have done so much sensory, sound and number work with the book 'The Colour Monster' as our inspiration. Our Courtyard may return to its natural colour at some point....
We also had the most amazing Forest School session. The children were so eager to enjoy the freedom of the Forest School area and they saw lots of insects, felt leaves and listened to all the sounds around them.
Have a fantastic weekend,
The Doves team
Doves week 1.mp4
A new school year, a new team and lots of amazing children!
Welcome to the Doves Class of 2021-2022! We just know that this will be a fantastic year full of fun and adventure. Our first topic is called all about me which is great because we want to know all about you! Over this half term we will be laying the foundations for the year ahead with lots of play, sensory experiences and visits to other rooms around the school (not to mention Forest School!).
It is going to be fab but we do know that the start of the school year can be daunting and for some of our children this is their first school experience. We have a fantastic team in class and in school who will ensure that they are there to help the children feel safe, happy and valued within the classroom. We are always happy to have a chat or answer any questions no matter what they are. You may feel silly asking some things but that is okay. It is important to you so that means that it is important to us and we will make sure that we will help in any possible way that we can.
We are really looking forward to seeing you on the first day of school!