Day 4
My Communication
Focus: Reading comprehension
Starter: Listen to the story.
Can the children answer questions about the book? For example: Where is the.? What colour is the.? What characters are in the story? Where did they look? What did they fly?
Extension: Can they record their answers from the questions.
My Thinking
Focus: Shapes
Starter: Shape Song
What can you find outside on the ground? Go on a hunt outside and see all the different things that get blown off the trees. E.g. Conkers, leaves, acorns, pine cones, twigs, sycamore seeds. Collect all the items that you can find. Using the treasures found outside can you sort the items into shapes, colours and sizes?
My Physical Well-Being
Focus: PE YOGA
Yoga – Your child can choose a yoga activity from the website below.