Day 3
Story time with Liss
Listen to Liss reading Sadako story from Japan
Activity 1 - My Communication
Starter: Read the pages about food from the book ‘Welcome to our world’ to your child. Explore all the beautiful pictures together! PDF pages are available below.
Main: Choose a meal you make in your house. This could be something as simple as cereal/toast or you could make something a bit more complex like a cake or soup. If you want you could make a dish that is traditional in a culture that’s different to yours.
I have attached some simple and non-cook recipes if you wanted to have a go at something new. Remember lots of dishes we eat in this country originate from other countries, such as flat bread, chilli and even crepes. We are so lucky that we get to experience and share these different dishes every day. You might find you already make something in your house that is a traditional dish of another culture.
When you are supporting your child to make the dish please take photos of each step.
. If you have access to a printer you could print out the photos and ask your child to put them in the correct order
. You could support your child writing/mark making a list of the ingredients you will need to make your dish
. You could draw a picture of your dish
Storytime with Liss
Listen to Liss reading Stavros story from Greece
Activity 3 - My Independence
For this activity you will need: Preferably 5 pieces of fruit or vegetables but it doesn’t matter if you choose to use a different type of food.
This is a great activity for children who are tactile defensive or find trying new food difficult.
If you child is nil by mouth then skip the tasting part of the video.
This is a time for your child to explore their sense so encourage them to smell/touch/taste/hear/look but if they don’t want to that is okay too! If they are reluctant to taste then them smelling or touching the food is a great accomplishment!
Watch the Sensology video with you child. Make sure you have you 5 pieces of food with you. Follow the steps and join in with the songs!