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Day 4

Activity 1

Look at the Olivers Vegetables pictures and answer the questions.

Carry out some research of your own about where in the world different fruit and vegetables grow. What is the climate?  

Activity 2 

Complete the final two sheets of the fraction booklet. Use the clock template and move the hands in five-minute intervals. How many minutes in each quarter of an hour? How many minutes in half an hour? How many in an hour?

Activity 3 

Grow a potato.

  1. 1. Fill a water glass with tap water. ...
  2. 2. Insert four toothpicks into the potato, spacing them around the middle of the potato about two-thirds up from the end with the densest sprouts. ...
  3. 3. Set the glass in an area that receives about six hours of direct sunlight.
  4. When it sprouts you can plant it in the garden.


Grow a potato
