Summer 1 Round Up
Our Summer 1 Topic Map - Me and My Body
British Science Week
This year's theme for British Science Week was connections. We looked at various connections including; how our bones connect, how we connect with others, how our senses connect and how colours can connect. We had lots of fun as you can see from the photos below.
We are Scientists!
Our two key texts this half term are;

Our Spring 2 Topic - Music of The World
Multicultural Week
During Multicultural week we visited a different country every afternoon. One of our favourite's was Italy. We painted upside down; just like Michelangelo did when he painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. We also explored the Leaning Tower of Pisa and played a game in which we had to balance some tourists. Lastly, we tried some Gelato and learnt the Italian for Chocolate, Strawberry and Vanilla so that we could choose our flavours!
Our two key texts for this term are;

Our Spring 1 Topic - Earth, Wind, Fire, Water
We made sensory bag habitats for our Bog Babies.

In Maths, we used our counting skills to match numerals to amounts and some children used a switch to activate number songs.

In PE, we have been using the equipment to move around like different animals.
Habitats Key Texts

Welcome to Swans class!
This half term our Topic is Habitats. We will be looking at various habitats such as The Arctic, the ocean, ponds and woodlands. We will be learning about the different animals that live in each of these habitats and how they survive.
These key texts will be interwoven into our work;
Lost and Found
Bog Baby
The Tale of Naughty Little Rabbit
Welcome Home Bear
Be sure to check the website every week for updates on the work we have done!