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Day 4

Activity 1 - Phonics 


Good morning!


1. Follow the Youtube link below that will take you to today’s phonics video! The sound focus for today is the ‘oa’ phoneme. In your pack there is a phonics parent support sheet. This will help you with the action and rhyme that goes with the ‘oa’ phoneme.


2. Practise sounding out the words on the phase 3 flash cards. Encourage your child to say the sounds then the word. If you find your child is just reading the word, cover it with a piece of paper. Slowly, slide the paper to the left and as you reveal each sound ask your child to say the sounds before you uncover the next. This will encourage them to say the sounds then the word. 

Activity 2 - My thinking 


Follow and answer the mastery questions below. Use you tens frame to help you answer the questions. I have also attached a number line if you wanted to have a try at using this too! 

Activity 3- My creativity

Story time with Liss: Listen to Liss read Rosa story from Bolivia 


Starter:  Read the pages about music and instruments  from the book ‘Welcome to our world’ to your child. Explore all the beautiful pictures together!  PDF pages are available below.


Listen/learn different children songs from around the world


Rosa in the story lived in Bolivia. Bolivia is a country in South America. Another country in South America is Brazil.  Today you are going to create a Samba Band in your house! Samba music originates from Brazil.  Watch and dance around to this samba band on Youtube.


Parents be prepared to pull out all the pots and pans out the cupboard and for things to get noisy!


Support your child exploring and experimenting making different noises. Try using different sized pots and different material beaters (wood/metal).


Use the symbols to support your children developing different skills.  First, try start and stop (can they follow your direction). Next, fast and slow and then loudly and quietly.


Too easy – see if your child can copy simple beats

Symbols and resources
