Day 2
Day 2
Activity 1 - Looking and listening games
Activity 2 – My Thinking and problem solving –Number
Today we are going to look at identifying and ordering numbers. For this activity, you will need something fun to play with, cars, animals, building blocks or dolls and some number labels to stick on to the toys.
Let’s start with 1 – 10. Ask your child to park/sit/stack them in order. Then mess them around see if they can do it again.
While playing challenge your child by asking questions – Can you pass me number four? Can you use number 3 and 6? What number comes after seven?
Too easy – why not try going up in twos.
Activity 3 – My Communication, Language and literacy - Phonics
- Please follow the Youtube link below that will take you to today’s phonics video! The sound focus for today is the ‘s’ phoneme. In your Day 2 pack there is a phonics parent support sheet. This will help you with the action and rhyme that goes with the ‘s’ phoneme.
- After, using the ‘find the sound’ sheet in your Day 2 resource pack support your child to circle all the things on the sheet that begin with the ‘s’ phoneme.
- Practice forming the ‘s’ phoneme on the formation sheet. - if you haven't received your home learning pack then practise forming the 's' letter on paper, in sand, flour or anything you like!
Activity 4 - My World and How it Works - My Science
Good morning!
We are going to be looking out of our window at the weather today and making our own rain gauge and windsock. These will help us measure the weather which we will record on our weather chart. I wonder what the weather will be like tomorrow.
In your pack is the weather record chart for one week. If you would like to carry on to next week then feel free to print it off or ask for another copy! Another way that you can record the weather using the chart is by laminating it (or using the poly pocket it comes in) and sticking the symbols onto it using blue tac or sellotape. This makes it reusable!
To make your rain gauge and windsock you will need:
A large plastic bottle.
Permanent marker
Stones, lentils or rice to weight the gauge down.
Toilet roll tube
Pens, paints etc to decorate.
Paper, tissue paper or light material.
Glue, tape or staplers
Pipe cleaner, string or thread to hang.
- We will be measuring rainfall by putting a mark every time the water rises in your gauge. Has there been some rain or lots of rain? Maybe there hasn’t been any at all.
- Make your windsock following the instructions. You can decorate your windsock in any way that you like. Please share your designs because we would love to see them!
How else could you measure the weather? We would love to see what you make.