Wednesday 24th February 2021
My Communication
Focus: My Writing
Hand writing CVC activity. Trace/overwrite then have a go at copying the word independently. Challenge – without looking at the word an adult says a word from the sheet, e.g. cat, can you think about the individual sounds and spell the word yourself on a piece of paper? Ask an adult for help to segment the word into individual sounds where necessary, e.g c-a-t.
My Thinking
Focus: My Number
Story of ‘Giraffes can’t Dance’ with Sally:
Safari I spy activity (24.2.21 activity 2 worksheet). Use the I spy grid (24.2.21 activity 2 I spy grid) to count how many of each item you can see. Once you have logged them in the worksheet (adult to write the numbers or write and ask child to copy), add together. Use real life objects to support with addition.
My Independence
Focus: My PE
Safari Adventure Yoga! (play from 4minutes30)