Robins Class
Our six weeks of cheerleading have come to an end. Everyone has thoroughly enjoyed it and participated in different ways. It has been lovely to see. Please see photos below.
There is a Defuze SEN class if any parents/children are interested in continuing regular classes with 3Degreez at Hinton community centre, every Wednesday in term time 5.05-5.45pm. You can register a place in the class for a free taster session please use the following registration link:
Summer Term!
Can you believe that it's the Summer Term already?
This half term our topic is Toys and some children have already made a start on making some toys. The first thing we made was a mini stress ball toy followed by a cup and ball game.
We will be comparing old and new toys and reading books linked to toys.
Hopefully the sun comes out and we can get outside for some Forest School adventures and outdoor PE too.
Spring Roundup
World Book Week
We chose a story linked to our topic. We spent the week looking at the characters and dressing up as all the amazing fairies. All of our work is being put together to create a lovely display which we will share when it's complete.
We've kicked off our "Real Heroes" topic with a visit from some Police Community Support Officers. Everyone had a chance to go into the car and try on some uniform.
Robins' Work of the Week
Happy New Year and welcome back!
This term the topic is Colours.
We will be focusing on a different colour each week during Hellos and the children will be asked to find and explore a different object each day. This will not only help to secure their colour knowledge but also aims to increase their vocabulary.
In art, we will be using bright colours to create dreamcatchers and discovering the work of Georges Seurat.
We will also be exploring some key texts which you will find below.
Keep a look out here for some very colourful pieces of work this term.
These are the 3 key texts that Robins Class will explore this half term.

Key Stage 1 had a visit from Roaming Reptiles this week. All the children really enjoyed seeing the reptiles...and none escaped!!
Roaming Reptiles
Science Week
Autumn term 2
Welcome back!
We hope you all had a great half term break. This term our topic is Pets!
We will learn about different animals and how to look after them. We are also hoping to share photos of the pets we have at home.
We are going to look at different stories about pets, starting with Hairy Maclary.
As well as this we will be working hard on our part in the Christmas Production. Ooops...I said it...Christmas!
Hope you enjoy looking at all the wonderful things we get up to.
Team Robins
Emotional Food Faces
Water Play
Hello and welcome to Robins Class!
We have had a lovely start to the new school year. Everyone has settled in nicely to the new classroom and enjoyed exploring.
This term our topic is Traditional Tales and we are starting with The Three Billy Goats Gruff. We've got lots of exciting activities planned.
We can't wait to show you what we get up to.
Team Robins