Kestrels Class
Welcome to Kestrels 2021-2022!
This year in Kestrels the new class of pupils are supported by Holly, Sian, Justine, Vicki and Trudy. We also have Claire on a Thursday and Friday and Kelly on a Friday.
We have had a great first week back playing lots of games to get to know each other. We played a memory game and have also enjoyed some balloon volleyball. We have started reading our first story 'Charlie and the Chocolate factory'. We especially enjoyed tasting chocolate, dressing up and making some 'Augustus Gloop' gloop for sensory play!
Sports Day
Summer 2
The Seaside Now and Then Topic Map
Summer 1 Recycling
Summer 1 Recycling
This term Kestrels Class have learned all about Recycling, how we can look after our planet and how we can reuse junk! Kestrels Class will be getting a Blue Peter Green Badge for all their hard work this Summer term!
In week one and two of this term we learned about where our rubbish goes when its put in the bin and how Monster Max can save electricity.
In week three and four we learned about rubbish in the ocean and how it affects the environment and wildlife.
This week Kestrels Class have learned about how to be a Recycling Superhero and what superpowers they want to combat population! We finished off the week we a fashion show showing off their Superhero costumes!
Holi Celebration- more photos to come on main page!
Home Learning Update
Hello Kestrels,
Day 11 and 12 of remote learning are added to the class webpage. Click onto Week 3 and day 1 to find the activities. All parents have been email about Education City with usernames and passwords. I've set some games for the children to play.
Home Learning Update
Hi Kestrels!
Hope you all are well and we are looking forward to seeing everyone back in school soon.
We have 10 days of activities based on 'The Hungry Caterpillar' on the class page for Remote Learning. There are 3 activities to do each day as well as Letters and Sounds.
All resources can be found in their specific day in week 1 and week 2.
Please take photos and let Matt know how you are getting on!
Autumn Term Photos
Transition document for starting in Kestrels in Sept 2020
7th October 2020
This Week in Kestrels Class the children are learning about how to make friends and deal with our worries. The Class will be making a Worry Box Monster to eat all their worries up! We will be making our own friends like Meesha in 'Meesha Makes Friends' and use them to make a show about kindness and friendship.
Welcome to Kestrels Class - September 2020

Kestrels Class
21st September
Kestrels Class 2020-2021
Welcome to Kestrels Class Page!
Kestrels Class is a enthusiastic class of 10 pupils. The Kestrels class teacher is Matt and supported by Georgie, Keri, Trudy and Claire, and Kelly on a Thursday!
Lots of learning, photos and updates to come.