Activity 1 - My communication
See the activity plan and resources below
Activity 2: My thinking
Starter : Lay the number cards out in front of your child. Explain you are going to do so many claps and they need to count and point the correct number card to show the total. RPT
Main – Build two towers with the same amount of bricks/lego. Ask your child which as less/more. If they say they both have ‘3’ explain how because they have the same amount we say they are the same.
Try with different amounts sometimes having more/less and sometimes being the same. Try with different sized brick and make sure they understand that we are looking at the amount of bricks so they don’t say the tallest tower always has the most!
Ext- build a tower, ask your child to build a second tower with more/less or the same amount of bricks.
Activity 3: My Creativity
Lesson plan