Day 4
Before you listen to Cate taking you around the world watch Beatrice, Sofia and Sebastian sing for us.They are from Ecuador in South America and speak Spanish
Activity 1: My Communication
Lesson plan
Our World
Activity 2 - Phonics
Play the game Phonics play called ‘Flash Cards time Challenge’ and go through all the different phase 2 phonemes.
Follow the link below
You will need to login to play this game-
Username – march20
Password – home
The click on phase 2 and scroll down to Flash Cards time challenge. Select phase 2, then 1 or 2 minutes.
Main: Play the game Orange Gloop! Activity instructions and resources are below or in your home learning pack.
Activity 3 - My Thinking
See activity resource and plan below
Activity 4- My world Around me
Story time with Liss: Listen to Liss reading Malaika story from Tanzania
Watch the fabulous videos of some children from Bushbells School singing and saying hello to us. They are speaking in Swahili and English
Their school is in Watumu which is on the east coast of Kenya. Kenya is in East Africa just like Tanzania!
Videos from Bushbells School,Kenya