Woodpecker Class
Thank you so much to our kind parent who donated a butterfly house and feeder to the school! We will look forward to seeing the butterflies enjoy their new home.
What an amazing Sports day! Woodpeckers took part in target throwing, welly wanging, water relay, running races, pool noodle javelin and hoop rolling. Everyone had a turn at everything and all won certificates 1st, 2nd or 3rd place, well done!
Woodpeckers have had a fantastic summer term! Our final topic has been the seaside we have read lots of seaside stories, including 'Coming to England' and learning how the seaside was different in the past. We have opened up our very own class ice cream parlour, enjoyed building sandcastles and some seaside art. We also celebrated Science week with lots of science experiments, our favourite was blowing up a giant balloon!
Woodpeckers have been getting stuck into saving the planet the past few weeks! We have even been able to apply for some Blue Peter Green badges as they have been working so hard. They have been reading a few of our topic books and enjoyed trying out how it felt to be an animal in the story 'The Day they cleaned the Ocean'. They have also helped to record our Eco code song for the school- as we have some very talented singers in the class!
We have enjoyed making kites out of plastic bags and bug houses to add to our school bug hotel. We have been sorting materials in Science and exploring their properties, we especially liked going magnet fishing!
We have been counting in 2s, 5s ad 10s in Numeracy as well as exploring shapes. We have been singing shape songs as we draw and make them!
We started our week in the Light room reading our story of the week 'The Tin Forest'! We were even joined by a special character from the story and enjoyed exploring the forest with them, using our eyes and ears. We have drawn our own forests and talked about what we would like to see in them, labelling our pictures. We have continued to explore shapes and found shapes in our environment. We also explored our school Woodland area making tree trunks with what we found and designed our own class tin forest! In Letters and Sounds we have been writing words with vowel digraphs in a quick-write challenge! We even managed to fit in some junk modelling this week which we all enjoyed. We have also had fun with our recycling trying to complete the bottle flip challenge.
We have had an exciting start to our Recycling topic in Woodpeckers this week! We read Michael Recycle and were visited by the super hero himself. We also enjoyed making our own super hero capes and crowns out of newspaper and shouting out our 'save the Earth' tips in a super hero fashion show! We have designed Eco super hero posters and talked about lots of save the Earth facts! We also enjoyed singing 10 green bottles and making them fall off the wall.
Summer Term 1 Recycling topic web
A fantastic week to end our Spring Term, we have enjoyed all things Spring!
Planting our onions, potatoes, radishes and salad and watering them lots this week in all the sunshine. Our story of the week was 'The Odd Egg' we enjoyed popping balloons to see the animals that hatched and were even visited by a chick! (Mandy dressed up!) We also had fun playing lots of Easter games ordering numbers we found in eggs, matching numbers to the word and adding numbers on a bunny obstacle course. We even had a visit from the Easter bunny and solved the clues to find the eggs- well done Woodpeckers!
Welcome to the second half of our Spring Term in Woodpeckers Class!
We started off the term focusing on our well being and have enjoyed lots of bubble art and play. We have been reading lots of positive affirmations and creating some bright and colourful posters to decorate our classroom, including painting on the windows!
This week we started our Healthy Eating topic and have been reading 'Nora the girl who ate and ate'. We enjoyed tasting the foods that Nora ate and sorting them into healthy and unhealthy. We have been recording food from our lunchboxes and also deciding if they are healthy or not. We also designed our own healthy lunchboxes and made vegetable people. We have set up our own fruit and vegetable shop and we are starting to develop some great shop role play skills and understanding of money.
We have also worked on our fitness this week with lots of outside exercises including our own version of the bleep test using Sonic the Hedgehog!
Spring Half Term Overview
Christmas activities in Woodpeckers Class!
Autumn Term 2 Topic Map
This week we read 'Meesha Makes Friends, learning how to be good friends and we have been playing games together, taking turns and practising our play skills. We have made our own friends out of junk modelling. We have enjoyed making pictures for our friends and putting them onto our 'How kind' class display. We also really enjoyed following instructions to make friendship cookies!
Welcome to Woodpeckers Class!
In our class we have 9 pupils with Holly as our class teacher (Kelly on a Friday), Sian, Anke, Mandy, Justine and Vicky.
This term our topic is ‘Togetherness’, when we will be learning all about each other and our feelings, as well as being a good friend. During circle time, we will be sharing our favourite things and listening to our friends.
In our first few weeks of being back at school, we have settled back into our school routines really well! We have enjoyed making kindness buckets for our ‘How Kind’ class display and filling each other’s buckets with friendly messages and pictures. We have explored what makes us happy then made tally charts and block graphs to show our results. We have also taken listening walks in the Woodland Area to help us become more aware of our surroundings.
This week we have read The Snail and the Whale. We really enjoyed making Snail homes in the Woodland Area and making mud snails to go inside, getting a little messy ourselves at the same time! We have also worked really hard completing our Snail and the Whale number activities. We loved our sensory story in circle time, using the parachute and bubble machine for the waves when it came to the stormy part of the story, and we even got to see Mandy dressed up as the snail!
Welcome booklet for return to Woodpeckers Class Sept 2020
Welcome videos for Woodpeckers Class Sept 2020

Woodpecker Class
4 Nov 2019