Day 1
Activity 2
Number and place value
Say a number (make some number cards to 20) find one more one less
Building lego (or block) castle towers to make 20 using different colours e.g. 4 red 16 blue (other resources that could be used: cups, cubes, boxes, books)
Write out the number sentences for this
Activity 3
Discuss who is the Queen of England? Find a photo of her online.
Make and decorate crowns craft
Extension-Dress up as the Queen and role play the story
My Letters and Sounds
'ch sh th' recap sounds and spell words that use those sounds
use games assigned on Education City to support with this
Activity 1
Watch the story of The Queen's Knickers, talk about the story, answer questions about the story such as what happened to the Queen's Knickers? Name some different types of knickers, How many were there?