Day 4
It is the fourth day today!
Hello Anna, what day is it today?
My Creativity, Music.
Day 4 Music |
Symbols for
Video of Today’s music session |
Activity 2 - My Thinking
Today we are going to create a toyshop.
This role- play activity will create many opportunities to look at several different area of maths.
- First, we are going to use our bingo boards in our packs and we are going to match the toys with the coin cards.
- Now for the fun activity. Go around the house and find some toys that we can put in the toyshop.
- Use the price labels to price up to toys.
- Use your coins from last week and role play with your child buying the toys and giving them change. The aim of this activity is that your child understands they have to give money to be able to get something.
Great idea – Make your child earn their money. Are there little jobs they could help with around the house to earn extra pennies?
Activity 3 – My communication – phonics
Good morning!
- Follow the Youtube link below that will take you to today’s phonics video! The sound focus for today is the ‘d’ phoneme. In your week 2 pack there is a phonics parent support sheet. This will help you with the action and rhyme that goes with the ‘d’ phoneme.
- After, using the ‘find the sound’ sheet in your week 2 resource pack support your child to circle all the things on the sheet that begin with the ‘d’ phoneme.
- Practice forming the ‘d’ phoneme on the formation sheet. Or you can do this on paper, in flour, sand or rice. Some children may prefer to practise formation on a whiteboard with a pen if you have one.
Activity 4 – My world and how it works – forest school
Being outside is great for your well-being and lockdown can be a very anxious time for everybody so having time having free, child-led exploration can be a real positive for everybody. This session is designed to be done outside but I am also including an ‘at home’ edition for children without access to a garden or outdoor space or those that aren’t able to leave the house.
We start each session with a moment to focus on our own well-being with a breathing exercise. You can either use your own well-being jar, Kate M’s video or imagining that you are smelling a delicious cake and then blowing the candles out.
Sensory walk.
While you are exploring your outdoor area take time to use your senses. Today we are focusing on what you can feel again. Find a place to sit or lie down and feel the ground underneath you. What can you feel underneath and around you? How does that make you feel?
Run a marathon!
Make a start and finish line and have a race. Who can cross the line first? Can you do different sorts of races? What about hopping or jumping? Perhaps you can pretend to fly like the swan or drive a car like the Queen.
Give the winner our certificate!
Sneaky swan!
Have a game of hide and seek! Have your grown up hide and see if you can find them! If you can’t find them at first maybe they can make animal noises for you to follow! After you have found them, why not have a turn at hiding while they look for you.
Make a castle
The swan takes the Queen to lots of different castles in her journey to find her handbag. Your task today is to build a castle. Use the materials around you to make the castle. It can either be a small one for a Queen Bee or a big one that you can fit in!
Can you make a moat around the castle and fill it with water?
Don’t forget to take a photo and send it to your teacher. We would love to see them!