Day five
Day Five!
Anna is back and asking what day is it today? Sing along and help her find out.
Let us start today with Kate M and our hello song. If you would like to sing the hello songs for next week (or the days of the week) please record yourselves singing and send them to Kate M to share! We'd love to see your happy faces.
Activity 1 - Chocolate sensory play.
It’s chocolate day!
We have provided a guide to sensory activities that can be done with chocolate. They all provide a fantastic sensory learning experience for you and your child and they smell great as well! Although these are sensory activities we know that some of our children cannot resist a taste so for those of you that have dietary concerns the recipes can be adapted with other powders such as milk shake powders. You may even wish to use spices such as cinnamon or nutmeg or leave them out altogether. We would love to see photos of your sensory play times.