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Making cookies

Sports Day!

Forest School

Key Text

Welcome back! 


We hope you all have a lovely half term break.

Our topic this term is 'Safety and Rescue'. Our key text is Julia Donaldson's Zog. We have changed our role-play area into a castle to bring the text to life and develop our play and social skills.  


Please see our topic map in the subheading above. 

Liss and the Puffins Team 


Trip to Belmont Country Park 


We walked to Belmont Park to practised our road safety skills we had been learning in class and out in the roadway. Before we crossed the road we always said Stop, Look, Listen, Think and made sure we were holding a grown ups hand and walking on the pavement. 


When we arrived safely at the park we used our exploring boards to search for Wild Flowers in the meadows and woodland area and then sat down to have our snack. After we played in the park and then walked safely back to school practising our Road Safety rules.



Making Potato Latkes when learning about Hanukkah

Forest school

Creating Marks

Looking after our Plants!

Key Texts This term

Welcome back! 


We hope you all have a lovely Easter break.

Our topic this term is 'Looking after our world'. At the start of term we will be diving into the ocean and reading the story 'Somebody Swallowed Stanley'. Later on we will be hiking into the forest and reading the story 'Somebody Crunch Collin'.  


Please see our topic map in the subheading above. 

Liss and the Puffins Team 





Following instructions to make a Jam Sandwich

Cause and Effect

Drawing fruits and vegetables

Developing our understanding of where our food comes from. How are crisps made?

Retelling The Enormous Turnip

Acting out the Enormous Turnip Story

Painting with Veggies

Touching, smell, tasting and matching Vegetables

Making Super Veggies

Exploring different vegetables and playing with the farm

Key Text this Term

Welcome back! 


We hope you all have a lovely half term break.

Our topic this term is 'Food and Where it Come From'. We will be reading the Traditional Tale 'The Enormous Turnip' in class to spark our interests into different foods and how they are grown/made. 


Please see our topic map in the subheading above. 

Liss and the Puffins Team 


My Measurement 

Cause and Effect - Bubbles

Puffins Starry Night Art work - using Squiggle Whilst you Wiggle to support

Acting out and sequencing the steps to get ready to travel to the moon! 

Space small world play

Science: Exploring Materials 






Blackmarston Times

Breaking News!


There have been reports this week of a crashed alien spaceship outside the Puffins classroom! The UFO was discovered early Tuesday morning by the children in Puffins class! Pupil have been saying a friendly alien called Beegu was pulled from the wreckage.   


The children in Puffin's class report hearing a loud bang outside during hellos, so they went out to investigate the noise. No further comments have been heard. 

Key Text this Term

Welcome back! 


We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas break and wish you a happy new year!

Our topic this term is 'The Star and Beyond'. We will be making friends with lost alien called Beegu and having lots of fun and engaging experiences based around space. 


Please see our topic map in the subheading above. 

Liss and the Puffins Team 


Making Dinosaur Fossils

Finding five Hiding Dinosaurs in Forest School

How my world works 


In science we learnt about how big some of the dinosaurs were. We then put our investigation hats on to try and answer these three questions:

1. How many shoes would fit into a Triceratops foot print?

2. Would a T-rex tooth fit into our mouth? 

3. Would a Diplodocus fit in our playground? 


We all took off our shoes and found that we needed 20 shoes to fill the foot print! When then tried to fit a cut out version of the tooth in our mouth, we discovered no, it wouldn't! After we went outside and held a piece of string 26m long and found that yes, a diplodocus would fit. What a big playground we have! 

Dinosaur prints in Playdough!

Dinosaur Swap

Searching for Dinosaurs in the shredded paper

Dinosaur Hook! 


On no! Some eggs were left in Puffin's class over half term and were ready to hatch, but the animals inside needed our help. We all took turns in choosing an animal that we thought might be inside the abandoned eggs. After, we rescued the animals by carefully cracking into the eggs and discovered there were dinosaurs inside! 


Over the week we will read our key text Tyrannosaurus drip a few pages at a time and will have lots of discussions around new words using props and actions to support our learning. 

Bonfire Night inspired mark making

Our Main books this Term!

Welcome back.

This term we will be going back in time to the land of DINOSAURS! 

We are all very excited about his topic and can't wait to share all the fun things we get up to with you. Make sure to look at our topic map in the subpage above.

All the best, 

Puffin Team  

Frozen pumpkins and pumpkin ice

My Communication


We took parts in lots of different activities based around our book 'Going on a Leaf Hunt'. We painted with leaves, cut and ripped leaves and played with leaves in water. 


My World


In science and geography we have been exploring and learning about the four seasons. Following our Autumn sensology session we went to use our senses on our Autumn walk around school. We walked down to the orchard and found apples on the trees! This was one of our signs for Autumn, so we pick some that were ready and will use them to create art and to make crumble with.

My Reading


In class we have been using our Stick Man story road to help us retell a simple version of our Stick Man story. We have used this with props, communication boards and switch to retell the story and bring it to life. 



Painting Stick Man

Saving Stick Man from the ice and frost!

Making Marks

Stick Man


After reading and exploring the first half of our Stick Man book we engaged in a carousel of activities based around the story. We used sticks as pens and made marks in gloop, we used sticks to make flags for our sandcastles and used sticks to splash and play in the water. 

Other Books we will be Exploring

Our Key Text

Welcome back! 


We are so excited to start this year! I hope everyone had a fantastic summer and had lots of fun. 


Above you will see some flowers. If you click on them you will be able to access key information like the teachers in your class, termly topic maps and websites you might find useful.


Our topic the term is 'Seasons' and our key text if Stickman. Keep checking the page for regular updates on what we are doing in class and photos of your child having lots of fun.


Liss and the Puffins Team 


