Making cookies
Sports Day!
Forest School
Key Text
Welcome back!
We hope you all have a lovely half term break.
Our topic this term is 'Safety and Rescue'. Our key text is Julia Donaldson's Zog. We have changed our role-play area into a castle to bring the text to life and develop our play and social skills.
Please see our topic map in the subheading above.
Liss and the Puffins Team
Trip to Belmont Country Park
We walked to Belmont Park to practised our road safety skills we had been learning in class and out in the roadway. Before we crossed the road we always said Stop, Look, Listen, Think and made sure we were holding a grown ups hand and walking on the pavement.
When we arrived safely at the park we used our exploring boards to search for Wild Flowers in the meadows and woodland area and then sat down to have our snack. After we played in the park and then walked safely back to school practising our Road Safety rules.
Making Potato Latkes when learning about Hanukkah
Forest school
Road Safety
Creating Marks
Searching for Wild Flowers
Looking after our Plants!
Shapes and space.
Ocean Sensology
Key Texts This term
Welcome back!
We hope you all have a lovely Easter break.
Our topic this term is 'Looking after our world'. At the start of term we will be diving into the ocean and reading the story 'Somebody Swallowed Stanley'. Later on we will be hiking into the forest and reading the story 'Somebody Crunch Collin'.
Please see our topic map in the subheading above.
Liss and the Puffins Team
Following instructions to make a Jam Sandwich
Cause and Effect
Drawing fruits and vegetables
Developing our understanding of where our food comes from. How are crisps made?
Retelling The Enormous Turnip
Acting out the Enormous Turnip Story
Painting with Veggies
Touching, smell, tasting and matching Vegetables
Making Super Veggies
Exploring different vegetables and playing with the farm
Key Text this Term
Welcome back!
We hope you all have a lovely half term break.
Our topic this term is 'Food and Where it Come From'. We will be reading the Traditional Tale 'The Enormous Turnip' in class to spark our interests into different foods and how they are grown/made.
Please see our topic map in the subheading above.
Liss and the Puffins Team
My Measurement