Day 1
Hello Everyone or should I say Giasou everyone! Watch the hello song below!
Activity 1: My communication
Starter: Read the pages about different clothes from the book ‘Welcome to our world’ to your child. Explore all the beautiful pictures together! PDF pages are available below.
Main -
Explain to your child that people around the world have different clothes they wear on special occasions. Spend some time looking at the picture of clothes around the world with your child. Talk about the colours, the patterns, what do they like, what don’t they like? Are any similar to things they wear? Do they wear dresses on special occasions? What is different about the clothes?
Choose a tasks:
- Look through all the different types of special clothing you have in your house. Can you dress up in the clothes and pick your favourite outfit?
- Take a photo or draw a picture of you wearing your special clothes. Can you label the picture with the symbols?
Can you label the picture with initial sounds e.g. h for hat or d for dress
- Can you draw a picture if you favourite outfit from the photos. Can you label the picture with initial sounds?
- Clothes - From book 'Welcome to our world'.pdf
- clothes symbols.pdf
- Phonics help sheet.pdf
- T-T-8124-Traditional-Clothing-from-Around-the-World-Photo-Powerpoint_ver_3.pdf
Story time with Liss
Listen to Liss reading Adam’s story from the Canada.
Activity 2 - My thinking
Starter: Use the 1-100 grid to support counting to 100. Link to 100 square below. Support your child shouting 10, 20, etc, whilst you say the nos. in between.
It is time to explore the tens frame. First we are going to spend a few sessions exploring one tens frame, so fold your sheet in half so you can only see one out of the two frames on your sheet. The goal is we want the child to know without counting that all the squares on the frame equal 10 and one line equals 5. We want to do this so when they come to add numbers that equal more than ten they can use this knowledge to support them. There is loads of other ways the tens frame can support things like doubles, odd and even number, etc. What the video below which will explain how great the tens frame resource is!
You will need: tens frame, two different coloured counters or cubes or small lego etc.
First say to you chn you want to find out how many counters we can fit onto the tens frame. When you discover it is ten explain that when the frame is full it will always be ten so we don’t have to count it if we remember as we will just know!
Spend some time exploring number bonds to ten. What numbers do you need to add together to make ten?
For example, if you place 1 red counter on the tens frame how many more will you need to make ten? Work this out by placing the different coloured counter on the board till it’s full (as we know when it’s full it makes ten!) Count the counters as you place them on the board or after. Then say we have 1 ‘yellow’ counter and 9 ‘red’ counters, So 1 and 9 makes 10. RPT and see how many number bonds you can make.
Write them down to keep track!
Activity 3: Forest school