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My Letters and Sounds

Recap the sounds from this half term using the documents saved from previous weeks. Say, read and write words with ch,sh,th,igh,oa,ee,ng,oo (long and short sound),ai.



Activity 1




Read: Welcome to our world: food


Watch the cbeebies links and 

talk about the food they are eating, would you like to try any? Choose one of the recipes from Activity 3, you could make it now or later!

Welcome to our world: Food

Activity 2

Using the clock face template make your clock.

Watch the video below.

1.Using the clock face template make your clock.

2.Watch the video below.

3.Choose a country in a different time zone, using Google search engine work out how many hours the time zone difference it is to ours!

4.Play the time game (Using number cards 1-12 write them on a piece of paper and turn them upside down) choose a number card and  make it say the right 'o’clock' time on your clock e.g. if you choose 1 make your clock say 1 o’clock.

5.Now change the time to what it would be in your chosen country. Continue until you have used all 12 numbers.


Explain to children how time zones work- SmartKids

It's almost 2018! Discover with Arthurius and Estrella how time zones work around the world. Not everyone celebrates New Year's Eve at the same time.Mira est...

Activity 3

Choose a recipe from around the world and make the food of your choice !

(Let us know if you like it!)



