Year 6 performance
Circus skills
Visit to Madley Environmental Centre
Our topic for Summer 2 is 'Circus'. We will have fun learning about the circus past and present. Our key text is 'You see a circus, I see......' by Mike Downs. See our topic map below for more details.
Summer 2 Topic Map - Circus
Map work - our local area
Pioneer Centre Trip
Craft club - The owl who was afraid of the dark
Learning days of the week
Space club
Preparing owl snacks
Making music sensory bottles and sensory faces for emotions
Exploring light sources and sharing the story - the owl who was afraid of the dark
Our topic for Summer 1 is "Day and Night". We will be learning about light, dark and shadows. Our key text is "The owl who was afraid of the dark". See our topic map below for more details.
Summer 1 Topic Map - Day and Night
African music making
Salt dough models of an island
World Book Day
Obstacle course club
Pizza making
Role play and art
Repeating patterns
Our topic for Spring 2 in "Life on Earth". We will be learning about plant and human life cycles. We will be conducting science experiments and learning about patterns, sequencing and shapes. We will be comparing the geographical features of the UK and Kenya. See our topic map for more details. Our key text is "Meerkat Mail" by Emily Gravett.
Spring 2 Topic Map - Life on Earth
Making pancakes
Road safety
Social skills
Making tally marks
This half term our topic is "Staying Safe". We will be learning how to keep ourselves safe at home, school and out and about, and thinking about the people who help us to stay safe. We will also be learning about our own bodies and the importance of privacy.
Our key text is "On the Way Home" by Jill Murphy.
Spring 1 Topic Map
Welcome to Eagles Class page.
We are some of the oldest pupils in school and are looking forward to a year of learning and adventures. There are 8 pupils in our class.
The class team is Becca, Bridget, Claire, Emma and Mary.
Our topic this term is 'Lighting up the past' and we look forward to learning about lighthouses, electrical circuits, the Gunpowder Plot and the Great Fire of London.
This half term's topic web;
In maths we have been looking at positional language and have had a go at being in, on and next to some cardboard boxes.

We've also been looking at patterns we can make with shapes.
We have been practising our culinary skills. We invented our own sandwich and jam tart filings and then turned our hands to banana muffins!

In RE we talked about what God might look like. We tried to create a likeness out of salt-dough.

We are learning about the seven continents and this week we had a look at some European landmarks. We had a go at making our own versions of the Colosseum.