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Swans Class

Topic Map 'Explorers' Summer 2

Summer 1 - My Body Belongs to Me

Summer 1 Topic Map - My Body Belongs to Me

Welcome back! Our topic for Spring 2 is 'Music around the World'.

Well done and a happy half term from Katie

Spring Term 1 - The Elements and Multicultural week

Children's Mental Health Week - a lovely story to share during these difficult times

Week beginning 2.11.20

Topic Map Autumn 2 - Hereford (Castles)

Week beginning 26.10.20

Week beginning 5.10.20

Welcome to Swans Class.

The teacher in Swans is Katie. Our teaching assistants are Mandy, Becky, Sarah, Jacqui, Anna and Georgie.

The children have managed incredibly well upon their return to school following the lockdown due to coronavirus. Since returning to school our topic has been ‘Together’ and we have enjoyed spending time with our friends, exploring feelings, emotions and focusing on reaffirming expectations, boundaries and routines that keep us safe and happy.

Recently, we have enjoyed sharing the story of ‘While We Can’t Hug’, a lovely way to explore being unable to touch our friends in the way we usually would.

As a class, we all enjoy Music and Communication. We especially like the song about the ‘great big ball’ that bounces around the room. We also enjoy singing ‘look in the mirror’ and exploring emotions and feelings.

We love to get messy and have been working hard to make marks intentionally in messy play materials using our fingers or mark making tools. Some of us have been working hard at letter formation using writing tools, and others have been working to form our names with jelly or magnetic letters.

In Numeracy we have had great fun exploring one to one correspondence, singing number songs and exploring the concept of ‘adding one’ then recounting the total.

In Art, we have enjoyed making hedgehogs, owls and tortoises as these are our favourite characters from the stories we have shared. We collected leaves, twigs and lots of beautiful materials to help create these masterpieces!

As Autumn is now upon us, we look forward to exploring the woodland area further and collecting leaves to explore their colour, shape and size.

After half term, we look forward to exploring the magic and festivities associated with Christmas, great fun!
