Activity 1
Let's start off with the Hello song from Liss!
Next a great game with Cate called What's in my bag? The videos and symbol sheet are below!
What is in my bag today week 25.1.pdf
Activity 2 - My communication
See activity plan and resources below
Activity 3 - My thinking
Starter: Using the 0-20 number card, string and two chairs create a washing number line. Support your child putting the number cards in order on the washing line. After, practise counting forwards and backwards.
Main: Show chn an empty plate, a plate with about 20 items such as lego, coins, sweets etc. and a plate of about 15 different items. Point to the plate with about 20 items and ask your child to guess how many there might be.
Discuss how it is tricky to count them in a muddle on the plate like this. Together count them as you move them one at a time to the empty plate. Show the 2nd plate of items and ask child if they think there are more or fewer. Use the symbol sheet to support. Now count these onto the now empty plate. Point to the no.s on the washing line to emphasise that 15 is less than 20.
RPT with different numbers, try have two that are the same.
Activity 3- My art and creativity
Start saving...
We will be making a table top farm later on this week so look for lots of items that can be made into a farmyard like boxes, toilet roll tubes, egg cartons and cereal boxes.