It is Friday again!
They come around very quickly don't they, it will be Spring before we know it
You will be receiving the next two week package very soon.
It has the focus of Farms and linked to "Jasper and the beanstalk" and "A Squash and A Squeeze".
There will be 3 activities a day in the yellow pencil. One literacy, one numeracy and a topic/ science one. I hope you enjoy them, there are a few videos of me too!
Have a lovely weekend,
Cate and Team Wrens
My creativity
At school, we have a notice board that we would like to turn into a celebration of things to make us happy and to make people smile as they go by. We would love it if you could make a painting, a collage, a photo montage of things that make you happy and send it to me via my email account so that we can add it to the happy board. Below is the link for the story 'Where happiness begins'. We looked at this book at the start of the year.