Thursday 25th February 2021
My Communication
Focus: My Letters & Sounds
Revisit sounds previously learnt and learn all about the new sound ‘f’ (25.2.21 Level 2 Week 5 Lesson 3 Lesson Presentation 'f' sound activity 1). Go to slide show, start from beginning and follow the presentation to practise your sounds, actions, graphemes and blending.
My Thinking
Focus: My Shape, Space and Measure
Coin recognition activity (25.2.21 activity 2). Explore real coins, 1p,2p,5p,10p,20p,50p,£1 and £2. Sort the coins onto the grid with support.
Next, work to count the 1p coins in each jar then using 1p coins, count the correct number of coins into the empty jar with support and modelling from an adult.
My Communication
Focus: My Music
Listen and Play - Loud leopards and terrific tortoises
Using pots, pans, wooden and metal spoons replicate ‘drums’ to play along when you hear the drums. Using your symbol sheet (25.2.21 activity 3 listen and play symbol board) to identify the animals you hear.