Day 4
It's day 4!
But what day is it? Here is Anna to tell us.
Activity 1- Music
We love music in Robins Class! If you don't have instruments you can use home made shakers, saucepans or your own body.
Symbols for
Video of Today’s music session |
Activity 2 – My thinking and problem solving
Today we are going to use our café again.
- Let’s create a new menu. What have you got in the cupboards? Create a menu of the favourite treats and snack. Keep everything below 10p. When it’s time for a snack or lunch, encourage your child to pay for the items they want.
Too easy – Make you child add together the prices of the items they want.
Great idea – Make your child earn their money. Are there little jobs they could help with around the house to earn extra pennies?
Activity 3 – My communication – phonics
Good morning!
- Follow the YouTube link below that will take you to today’s phonics video! The sound focus for today is the ‘n’ phoneme. In your Day 2 pack there is a phonics parent support sheet. This will help you with the action and rhyme that goes with the ‘n’ phoneme.
- After, using the ‘find the sound’ sheet in your Day 4 resource pack support your child to circle all the things on the sheet that begin with the ‘n’ phoneme.
- Practice forming the ‘n’ phoneme on the formation sheet. Or you can do this on paper, in flour, sand or rice. Some children may prefer to practise formation on a whiteboard with a pen if you have one.
Activity 4 – My world and how it works – forest school
Being outside is great for your well-being and lockdown can be a very anxious time for everybody so having time having free, child-led exploration can be a real positive for everybody. This session is designed to be done outside but I am also including an ‘at home’ edition for children without access to a garden or outdoor space or those that aren’t able to leave the house.
Each Forest School session starts with a breathing activity to help us take a moment to focus on our well-being.
Sensory walk.
While you are exploring the world around you take time to use your senses. Today we are focusing on what you can touch. Make sure that you have an adult with you and don’t touch anything that you are unsure of. Remember to wash your hands thoroughly before putting your fingers in your mouth!
Tick off all you can feel on your sensory walk bingo sheet.
Be the Queen!
Follow your grown up and copy the movements that they make. Perhaps they can flap their arms like the swans or march like one of the Queen’s soldiers? Can you sing ‘The grand old duke of York’?
Chase the swan!
Pretend to be the Queen or the swan and play catch! Can you run fast like the Queen or be as crafty as the swan?
Indoor activity:
Giant’s Causeway
Put cushions and pillows on the ground to make the giants causeway. Can you hop from one to another without touching the floor? What about adding in objects of different heights?
Make a crown
Look around you for colourful leaves and flowers (or wrappers, papers and materials if you are inside). Collect them up carefully because they are going to be the gems on your crowns! You will make your crown using a strip of paper or card, glue and pens. Using the pens colour in your strip of card and then using the gluestick your gems to the card. Wait for it to dry and then measure the crown against your head once you know how big it needs to be you can staple (or stick) it together to create your crown.
We would love to see your crowns!