Happy New Year!
January 2025
We hope you all have had a wonderful Christmas break. We are excited to be back in school for the start of a new term (Spring Term 1) in Doves Class. This term we will be focusing on our new topic “People Who Help Us”, over the coming weeks we will be exploring and celebrating a variety of people and professionals who help us. We will have a dedicated role play area within the classroom each week and engage in a range of activities to help us to explore different professions and ways they help us through a multisensory approach.
Our Key text book for this term is “Postman Bear” by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler which we will explore as a sensory story. We will also look at other books and stories related to our weekly chosen “People Who Help us”.
We look forward to another great term filled with an abundance of learning through fun, new adventures and play! We hope you are enjoying our learning journey so far and all the things we have been getting up to!
Keri and the Doves Class team.
Please see below for this terms Topic Map, Key Text and our updated Team Members page to meet our newest member of staff; Emma our Lunchtime Supervisor.
Our Key Text: Postman Bear by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler
Welcome back!
November 2024
We hope you all had a lovely half term and are ready for Autumn term 2.
Our topic this term is Colour and our key text is "Wow said the Owl". We will begin this term exploring Bonfire Night and Remembrance Day which will give us lots of opportunities to explore different colours
through a variety of activities, sensory exploration and experiences.
Following on from this we will focus on exploring all the different colours in our key text "Wow said the Owl" and engage in a variety of activities using a multisensory approach to explore colour.
To finish the term, we will focus on the Nativity story in preparation for our KS1 Nativity performance. Doves class will be the stars of the show as all the children will be Angels. We are keeping further details of our class performance under wraps to keep it a surprise. More details regarding date and time will be sent out shortly.
Keri and the Doves Class Team
Key text: Wow said the Owl
Remembrance Day: Creating red poppy biscuits.
Our World in Colour.
All the colours of the rainbow
The many colours of Christmas
Welcome to Doves Class
September 2024
We are very excited to start our journey together in Doves Class and hope you will explore our class page and join us on our many learning adventures.
This term our topic is My Busy Body, and our key text is We're Going on a Bear Hunt.
We are looking forward to an exciting term ahead settling into our new class, becoming familiar with new routines and experiencing a variety of fun and engaging learning opportunities through play and sensory experiences.
Please check our class page for regular updates and explore the links to learn more.
Keri and the Doves Class Team
Key Text: We're Going on a Bear Hunt.