Pirate Park
Pirate Day
Sports Day
Welcome back to the second half of the summer term. This term our topic will be Pirates and our key text will be Pirates love underpants.
Making delicious sandwiches - the most popular filling was jam!!
Our tree patterns from trees in Forest School
In Forest School we have looked for signs of Spring and did some bark rubbings with brightly coloured crayons. Our work is now displayed in the classroom for all the class to see.
We then made some bird feeders using oranges. We scooped out the fruit, after squeezing them to make some delicious freshly squeezed orange juice and then filled the orange skins back up with bird seed. In our next visit to Forest School we hung them up on the trees for the birds to enjoy.
Forest School so far......
We look forward to welcoming the children back to school on Monday 8th April to start the Summer Term in Kingfishers. Our topic will be toys and we'll discover our favourite ones and how they have changed over time. There will be a toy shop set up in class where the children can use pretend money to go shopping for some new toys.
Summer Term - Our first topic will be toys.
The children had great fun when some police officers brought their van and car to school. It was lovely to meet some real life heroes, climb in the vehicles and pretend to be just like them!!
A visit from some local heroes - The Police came with a van and a car.
Science Week 2024
During Science Week we did some experiments. The focus this year was Time and our first experiment was to make a fountain with mints and a bottle of coke. Did the fountain go up high fast or slow - the fountain shot up very fast and was very exciting.
We also made it rain with shaving foam clouds and food colouring dropped in with pipettes, this worked very well.
Our last experiment was not as successful as the other two. We tried to make a rainbow with felt tip pens, kitchen roll and some water. We had a lot of fun with the equipment but varying success with rainbows.
Science Week 2024
World Book Day 2024
World Book Day 2024
As a class we enjoy The Apple Tree Farm books about Mrs Boot the farmer and her children Poppy and Sam who live at Apple Tree Farm. In small groups we listened to some of the stories from the range and used props to act them out.
The children also brought in their favourite books from home and shared them with the class which everyone enjoyed.
The topic web for Heroes and what we will be learning about this half term.
Our topic next half term is Heroes and our key text will be What the ladybird heard.
We have a busy five weeks ahead starting with a visit from some very special people - the children will love meeting some real life action heroes I'm sure.
We will also be looking ahead to our class assembly on 15th March.
Lesley - the newest member of Kingfisher Class
As we start the second half of the Spring Term, we say goodbye to Natalie wishing her all the very best and we welcome Lesley to the Kingfisher team. Lesley will be with us Monday - Friday and spent the last week of term in class getting to know us all.
We looked at so many different colours, we even made green biscuits!!
Henri Matisse - we looked at an artist who used lots of colour in their work
A colourful music session with Alison
Look at all the yellow objects we found on our walk around school, we found lots of different yellow things!!
Tasting yellow food

This week our colour is yellow and we have been exploring yellow objects in the tuff tray in the classroom, dressing up in yellow clothes and building with yellow bricks. We have also tasted some yellow foods - pilau rice, custard, cheese, banana and even lemon!!!
Some of us went for a walk around school to see what yellow things we could find - we found lots!! In soft play we looked to see if we could find anything yellow and we did find a couple of things!!
Happy New Year and welcome back!! This half term our topic will be Colours all around us and our key text is the The Colour Monster. Each week we will focus on a different colour.
Please look at the topic map for more information of what we will be doing this half term.
We look forward to an exciting half term looking for lots of different colours we can see in school and around us.
Roaming Reptiles
We have had such a busy couple of weeks in Kingfisher Class. Last week we went to Madley Environment Centre and had fun matching stockings and listening to a story told by the elf. We also met Mrs Christmas and even had a present from Father Christmas!! We all had such a lovely time.
Alison has been in to sing Christmas songs with us which has been great fun!
We have also enjoyed a visit from Roaming Reptiles - we held a snake, spider, lizard and met a huge tortoise!!! The children were amazing and very brave!!
On Friday 8th December we wore our Christmas jumpers to school and had a surprise visitor come to our class - Father Christmas again!!!! We were very lucky and had more presents!!!!
This week we have been practicing for our Christmas performance and trying on our costumes.
The children in Kingfisher Class are having a lot of fun in the vets role play area and looking after the animals.
We have learnt new moves with Shonette from Squiggle While You Wiggle to help us remember the days of the week - each day related to fitness so it helps us keep fit every morning - Muscle Monday, Treadmill Tuesday (running on the spot), Weight lifting Wednesday, Throwing Thursday, Freestyle Friday, Stretch on Saturday and Sit up Sunday. It's a lot of fun!!!
We have also finished dance move one on Squiggle While You Wiggle concentrating on moving our arms up, down, side to side and crossing over. We do this as a dance with our flappers (scarves) and then go over to the table and do the exact same moves with crayons or chalk. We will now learn a new dance move
We are enjoying Music with Alison on a Friday morning and we're looking forward to having parents join us in class for some of our activities very soon.
We are now ready to start our second half of the Autumn Term. Our topic will be Pets and our key text to read is Hairy Maclary.
We have so much to look forward to over the coming weeks with a visit from a theatre company to perform Cinderella, wearing spots for Children in Need, Christmas jumper day and of course our Christmas performance.
Very exciting!!!!
Pets topic web - an overview of what we will be learning about this half term
Just some of our activities this half term
Our Artwork
We have now finished our first half term in Kingfisher Class. We have had a lovely time getting to know each other and learning about some Traditional Tales and doing activities in our groups.
We worked together over the weeks to produce some fantastic art work. We made a display to go outside the classroom in the corridor - The Gingerbread Man. The children loved this story and enjoyed joining in with the chant "Run, run as fast as you can. You can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man".
In D&T some of the children successfully made a bridge from large duplo blocks that The Gingerbread Man could have used instead of asking the fox to carry him across - great teamwork!!
We also worked together to fill the gaps and tell the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and even made our own bear headbands.
Also this half term we have enjoyed music sessions with Alison, this will carry on next term too.
During this half term we also made our own Kingfisher birds to decorate the entrance to our classroom.
We're very much looking foward to the next half term
We have had a great start to the new term. The children have settled in to their new class so well which is lovely to see.
Last week we spent time getting to know each other and our favourite things and this week we have started work on The GIngerbread - the children love the chant "run run as fast as you can, you can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man". We have had a literacy based week first and been finding characters from the story as well as practicing our mark making skills. Next week we will have a numeracy focus.
Welcome back Everyone!
We hope you all had a lovely summer holiday and welcome you all back to school. In Kingfisher Class this half term we will be looking at Traditional Tales with The Gingerbread Man being our Key Text.
We are going to have lots of fun as we learn and will regularly update on here what we have been doing.
We look forward to seeing you all very soon
Jacqui, Becky, Keri, Larissa, Kelly and Natalie