Day 2
Watch and listen to some videos from people around Europe!
Activity 1 - Phonics
Play the game Buried treasure. This game will help develop your child’s skills in segmenting and blending words and identifying ‘nonsense/fake words’. If word it fake put it in the bin, if it’s real put it in the treasure chest.
Follow the link below-
You will need to login to play this game-
Username – march20
Password – home
Click on the game Buried Treasure – start – phase 3 and choose a phoneme to work on.
Main: Complete the activity signpost puzzle
Activity 2 - My thinking
Pre-cut out the ‘What is the half’ sheets before activity
Starter: count to 100 with your child. Count the ones on your fingers and every time you get to a multiple of 10 clap your hands. Count to 100 again but say this time we are going to just say the tens numbers out load. Count the ones just using your fingers then when you get to a multiple of ten say it. (If too tricky try whispering the other numbers and shouting the multiple of tens)
Main: using the prepared ‘What’s the half’ items spread them out in front of your child. Support them matching up the halves to make a whole. After they have match them all up spread them out again this time upside down. Support them turning them over one at a time, can they remember where the other half is? If they choose incorrectly turn them both over and try again. It the guess correctly they get to keep the whole. Take it in turns to have a go.
Story time with Liss: Listen to Liss reading Ming Chan story from China.
Activity 3 - My World
Starter: Listen to Liss reading pages about happiness around the world from the book ‘Welcome to Our World’. (Pages of the book are available on PDF if you want to read them with your child.
Main: It’s time to spread some happiness around the world! Watch, listen and join in with people around the world dancing to Pharrell Williams Happy.
Now you can show what makes you happy in any way you want! You could support your child doing this by:
Finding/printing photos to make a collage of all the things that make them happy.
Painting a picture of something that makes them happy.
If dancing makes them happy make up a dance and send us a video!
If singing make them happy sing a song and send a video to us