Day 3
Activity 1
Place towers of bricks or lego to make a castle. Pour water from cups/buckets to save the castle from the dragon! Use different funnels and cups to pour water. Use food colouring to show a mix of different colours.
Watch the You tube video:
Activity 2
Make some knights for your castle! Use a range of toys. Now throw in your canon balls (socks). How many do you have altogether?
Can you put one in the 1 tower, two in the 2 tower, and so on?
Activity 3
‘Knight Dodgeball’
Find some Balls or make some using scrunched up paper, or use pillows/ cushions, pretend they are cannonballs and aim to throw it at the other person if you get hit you are out, the aim is to dodge the ball! Take turns being the knight!
Who was the best at dodging?