Eagles Class
Sports Day
Summer 2
Science week
We are returning to school for our final half term and the topic is 'The Seaside Now and Then'. There will be lots of sand and water play, hopefully in the sunshine. Our first week back is Science week and we may have some 'explosions' happening!
Topic Web Summer 2
In the last two weeks we have enjoyed sitting on our new log seats in Forest School and we have started to learn how to stay safe when we have a fire. We also enjoyed playing hide and seek. We have practised our counting and started to count in 2's, 5's and 10's as well as having fun measuring each other outside to compare our heights.
We read the story of 'The Tin Forest' and wrote about how the character felt about where he lived and we designed our own recycling posters.
There was big excitement when we had a delivery of worms to put in the school wormery, some of us were a bit shocked when the worms wiggled!
The last week was School Football week and we have had good weather, allowing us to get outside to score goals. We learned about Woolly Mammoths and how climate change and people made them extinct. The story 'Cave Baby'' gave us inspiration to do some cave paintings in our art shed.
Over the last two weeks we have continued to learn about 2D and 3D shapes, playing games on the smart board and making pictures with shapes. We had the story of 'Michael Recycle,' making up our own recycling heroes, and we recycled materials to create an under the sea display that shows how rubbish can collect in the sea and harm the animals. We explored magnets, finding magnetic materials and making cars powered by magnets.
Hopefully we will have some fruit in the summer from our strawberry plants we have planted.
We celebrated World Earth Day planting sunflowers, exploring the blossom in the orchard and planted some of the beds in our sensory garden. Our first story was called 'Somebody Swallowed Stanley' about a plastic bag in the ocean, which helped us understand how plastic can harm sea creatures. We have sorted materials and explored those that float or sink and built houses out of Lego, trying to find a waterproof material for the roof; bread or cotton wool did not work very well! In numeracy we have been looking at 2D and 3D shapes, we built dens in Forest School and looked at the shapes we used. At the end of last week we tried 'Worm charming'; measuring a 3m square and then stamping our feet to try to draw the worms to the surface, we were not very successful - one tiny worm found!
Topic map 'Recycling' Summer 1
We are looking forward to being Eco-heroes this half term as our topic is 'Recycling'. Hopefully the weather is going to be lovely and we will be doing lots of work outside.
Topic Map for Spring 2
Some of our activities this half term
What are we learning about this term?
Outdoor learning
Welcome to Eagles Class, we are a Year 6 class of busy, individual children: 8 boys and 1 girl. Juliet is the class teacher and we have Kelly as Level Three teaching assistant, Nikki, Mandy and Michelle are our Level Two Teaching assistants.
This half term our topic is ‘Together’ and we are getting to know each other, work together and begin to make friends. We have read ‘The Snail and the Whale’ and looked at how the snail helped the whale. We counted snails on and off the Whale’s tail in numeracy and went on a snail hunt outside, but found none! We worked outside and made a big circle of leaves and twigs after looking at the art of Andy Goldsworthy. We have begun to read ‘Meesha makes friends’ and will be using it as inspiration to make models of ‘friends’ out of natural materials outside. We will be continuing to talk about how to be good friends and being kind to each other.
We are beginning to learn about similarities and differences between others and ourselves and will be using the story of ‘The Proudest Blue’ to begin to understand the Islamic faith. The patterns of Islamic art will give us inspiration to make our own patterns and tiles.
We look forward to learning together and making friendships for the rest of the year.
Class Topic Maps - Eagles 2020-21
Transition booklet to help pupils start Eagles class in September 2020
Welcome to Eagles Class - September 2020