Day 4
Starter - Music with Alison
Today's session is music with Alison and Cate. We hope by now you have your pack with the song symbols. Your child will be able to read them so please use them to support him.
This week at school we were going to celebrate Diwali. There are lots of nice videos about this Hindu festival on CBeebies to have a look at.
We hope you have fun singing and play the videos as often as you want.
Activity 1 – My Thinking and problem solving – Shape
Today we are looking at the shapes all around us. We will be looking for 2D and 3D shapes. First, we need to make some binoculars to help us find all the shapes in our homes. For this, you will need:
- Kitchen roll tube cut in half or a piece of paper.
- Tape
- String
- Items to decorate
- glue
Watch this sort video below and follow along to make your own pair of binoculars.
Once you have your binoculars find your shape hunt sheet in your pack and see how many shapes you can find. Talk to you child about the different shapes.
Count how many sides your shape has.
Count how many corners.
Which shapes are similar? Which are different?
Then head out on a shape hunt. Use your binoculars to focus children’s attention to look for a certain shape. Walk along like a detective, peering through the glass on the hunt for a circle, or a triangle, or a square.
Look for shapes around your kitchen, bedroom or out and about, in the garden or in the forest, park.
Remember to take photos to show your teacher what you found.
Activity 2 – My Communication, Language and literacy - Phonics
Good morning!
- Click on the YouTube link below that will take you to today’s phonics video! The sound focus for today is the ‘a’ phoneme. In your Day 4 pack there is a phonics parent support sheet. This will help you with the action and rhyme that goes with the ‘a’ phoneme.
- Practice forming the ‘a’ phoneme on the ‘a’ formation sheet
- The link below will take you to the website ‘phonic play’. This can be assessed on a phone, iPad/tablet or computer. Play the game ‘Pick a picture’. Press start then select phase 2. Support you child matching the word to the correct picture.
Activity 3 - My World and How it Works – Forest School
Good morning! Let’s go outside and explore the world around us. You will be emailed links to the well-being breathing exercise video and ‘we are going on a leaf hunt’. However, just take time to enjoy the freedom of exploring the world around you!
If you can’t get outside I have also provided a Forest School indoors pack because it is also really good to explore the world around us in our own home!
- Both our sessions start with a breathing exercise and a sensory walk. Today we are focusing on the things we can hear. You can use the sensory sounds sheet to help you record what you hear and maybe encourage you to listen a little more closely to the world around you. Maybe you can hear something that isn’t on the sheet?
Now we have had some quiet time taking time for ourselves and to listen carefully to our environment it is time to look at leaves!
Leaf match. Can you find all the leaves on the leaf match sheet? Explore the area around you and see if you can find them all.
Ext- Have you found different ones? What are they? Can you find out and create your own leaf match sheet?
Leaf snap. Can you match leaves with someone else? Everyone pick up a leaf and see if they match. What is the same about your leaves? What is different?
Leaf fun Use leaves and flowers that you find to create a leaf family.
Ext- Can you create a frame for your picture using sticks? Take a photo and send it to your teacher. They would love to see it!
If you are inside today we are doing a very similar set of activities.
Scavenger hunt. Can you find the items on the scavenger hunt sheet? Things inside your home might not be the same as on our sheet. What makes your items similar?
Card or toy snap. If you have a pack of cards play snap. Can you match your card to someone else’s? This activity can also be done with toys. Can you match your toy with another? What makes them similar what makes them different?
Indoors fun! Can you make a picture of your family from the things that you find around your home? Don’t forget to give your picture a frame. Take a photo of your creation and send it to your teacher because we would love to see them!